Anesthesia Consent Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.

Anesthesia Consent Form

Anesthetic safety information

  • Monitoring: We minimize anesthetic risk by monitoring heart rate and rhythm (ECG), respiration rate and quality (ETCO2), body temperature, blood oxygenation (SpO2), and blood pressure throughout the procedure. A technician anesthetist is present throughout the procedure.
  • IV Catheterization: For procedures requiring general anesthesia, an intravenous catheter is placed to provide us with an easy route to administer medications and fluids (which support blood pressure and kidney function) during the procedure.
  • Pain Management: We will pro-actively manage pain associated with any oral surgical procedure by administering pain medications before and/or after the procedure, in addition to use of local anesthetics. As with any drug, side effects may be associated with administraion of pain medications and local anesthetic agents.

Authorization for anesthesia and treatment:

Clear Signature